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Gone in 60
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  • How much do you figure shipping to NY state will be on the seat and rear carrier you have advertised? Are you sure you don't want to keep the seat and potentially get it upholstered to your specifications on the OEM pan. It is probably what I would do. Just mulling it so not sure I want to proceed.
    Hope you can pick up the oil reservoir. I have bought a few bags of bolts from bikes being broken up post-accident and they include random items like a side stand and springs or the battery holder and rubber strap or foot pegs and brackets etc. but I don't have what you are seeking.
    Gone in 60
    Gone in 60
    I’m out of town for a week, but I can check on shipping when I get back next week if you’re interested. As for the seat, I don’t really need two.
    Roger that. Come back to me when you can.
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