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SSK Dave
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  • Hi, nice ride. You may have mentioned elsewhere but what panniers and pannier rails do you run. Tnx
    SSK Dave
    SSK Dave
    The name on them look like ' MENOTT'
    Many thanks. I will investigate. I am agonizing over panniers to the point of paralysis. I really don't want to buy rails but it seems no choice. Of course, adding rails widens the pannier choices though then the decision is which rails?
    SSK Dave
    SSK Dave
    I really didn't want ugly rails on my bike. These have an adjustable strap that I choose to put under the seat, clips that go round each rear suspension leg, then a strap that goes across the back, above the number plate. It seems to work OK. Each pannier has the option of a unzippable extra portion about 4inches wide ( I can then get my full-face helmet in it, when shopping)
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