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Search results

  1. K

    And now for something completely different

    Good analogy
  2. K


    Thanks Rocket man
  3. K


    Here in US they don’t sell it with pillon, it’s an option as are the passenger pegs
  4. K


  5. K


    It is the new shape and riding at 55-60 was my usual speed except going up the Alps often meant 20 mph but I didn’t mind because that was the best scenery to look around at Many times I was doing 60 for long stretches and the bike took it in stride i did put a rear tire on the front when I got...
  6. K


    I bought a 23 here and a 24 in England, except for color, no difference I could see You’re right about the keyless ignition that’s the worst thing about this bike Haven’t had any problems with the police when being on hi ways because here in the States I think 45 is accepted minimum and this...
  7. K


    Unfortunately looks like those may be my only long distance trips on the RE. Last autumn:n I bought a Honda Supercub 125 and liked it so much that I bought another one in England and rode it almost 5,000 miles to Draculas castle in Romania and back stored it at my cousins house in England so I...
  8. K


    left to right outside of a chinchilla preserve loaded up in the desert long stretches between towns takes his steering wheel while shopping, good anti theft rocks competely covered in bird crap\ says wildlife crossing zillion beach views life this
  9. K


    pics from left to right little local girl wanted to sit on my bie this young lady took my around Santiago all day looks like Bomb Zone but it wasn't group of hs kids in my hotel waiting for flight to US for vacation still ranching with horses and cowboys in the stix the road over the Andes with...
  10. K


    Thanks for the welcome guys. About the vibrator - Back in the 80s or 90s I took a test ride at a dealer on an RE and by the time I got back my teeth had almost vibrated out of my head so I was reluctant to try one in 2021 however even after taking it on the freeway at 70+ the vibration was low...
  11. K


    Hi Everyone New to the forum I think, lots of memory gaps these days. I have a 21 Himalayan. Really like it and looking for ideas to improve it. Have already added cruiser bar, big box where passenger seat was, extra lighting front and rear. Liked it enough to buy one when I went to Chile 2...
  12. K

    dust under my speedo glass, how to remove the cover to clean

    title says it, it's a 2021 Himalayan
  13. K

    2021 Himalayan wiring schematic

    thanks for the info Tom
  14. K

    2021 Himalayan wiring schematic

    Thanks so much Bluestrom13. Didn't have one in my owner's handbook.
  15. K

    2021 Himalayan wiring schematic

    Searched and searched but couldn't find it anywhere. Not that that means much since i'm not a sophisticated searcher. If anyone has one would really appreciate it especially since I cant imagine i'm the only one looking for it.
  16. K

    power used to run bike vs power left over to run accessories

    Thanks for all the info and replies guyss.
  17. K

    power used to run bike vs power left over to run accessories

    Anyone have a working set of numbers for how much amperage/watts the RE puts out and how much is left over to use on heating accessories? Not holding anyone to their numbers, just want a rough idea
  18. K

    New Himalayan FAQ Thread

    Hey Old Guy, Another old guy here too. For battery cut-off switch do you have any recommendations? And could you put in a bit about electrical loads, as in how many amps/watts the machine will put out at normal revs say doing 55-60 mph (5000 revs or lower) on backroads and what would be...
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