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Search results

  1. RTD

    Ditching my full face helmet for safety !

    Indeed. It’s a dirty cliché but it’s the humidity as much as the heat. Back east (usa) the mid 90s would be my limit. The moisture just takes it out of you. But here, that dry 115 is awesome. Just (obviously) hydrate before you get thirsty & all is good. And started wearing a base-layer material...
  2. RTD

    Touring jacket

    Similar here. Not quite as warm in Tucson but 62°F today. No complaints. I’ve been getting by with the Bilt mesh jacket for 95% of the year, adding long-sleeve t-shirt when needed. Might dig out the leather today to make sure it still bends, the poor neglected thing...
  3. RTD

    New owner in New Mexico, USA

    salute from arizona..
  4. RTD

    Show me your view!

    The view, as of a few hours ago: Taken halfway ‘round the loop thru Saguaro National Park (east). Just trying to provide a little balance after that brisk scene from Dervish in Finland. No disrespect; I really need to visit. Love that part of the world.
  5. RTD

    New super nova

    Cheers from an arizona desert supernova (2021) ..
  6. RTD

    Roll Tide (Or Alabama)

    I’ve got that beautiful brown meteor and it is beautiful indeed. Get it under direct sunlight and it’s a lovely thing. Root-beer flake and elfin magic. A great machine overall. & welcome to the forum...
  7. RTD

    Touring jacket

    Same here, the BILT mesh jacket. I can vouch for the airflow in desert heat (4 hours riding yesterday in 106° and 6% humidity). I may switch to leather when it gets to a frosty 80°F or so (I’ll believe such temps are possible when it happens). But mostly it’s the same costume all year in all...
  8. RTD


    ignoring the absolute hell out of this.
  9. RTD

    Show me your view!

    Dammit that’s a lovely machine. If I ever score another Enfield it’s surely got to be a Bullet.
  10. RTD

    Birthday Gift from myself

    I’m familiar with that dealership. I was living in Baltimore while breaking in the Meteor 350, and couldn’t resist the ride up there for its first service. A fantastic ride. Now in AZ so the bike doesn’t need to hibernate the winter away, but I do miss the autumn rides along the country roads at...
  11. RTD

    New member from Brooklyn

    2021 meteor here. Not in Brooklyn, though I thought about a ride up that way when I was still in DC. Great bike, dig the color...
  12. RTD

    J350's running hot. List your symptoms.

    Having just done my first summer in Arizona as a rider, I’m impressed by the Enfield’s reliability. No issues here after many days riding in similar conditions (107° F and above, which I believe is a bit over 40°C). One major difference here is the dry air. It may be well above 40°C but around...
  13. RTD

    Other Hobbies

    Indeed. The CZs are ergonomically wonderful. My only mod was the grips: needed something with a little more bite... went with the LOK grips, palm-swell, bogies texture. and that’s all it needed. A total joy to shoot. And now there’s an outdoor range a few miles out in the desert, so riding the...
  14. RTD

    Other Hobbies

    Late to the party on this one. Interesting to see the surge (correlation?) in firearms and musicianship. Never “collected” firearms as such but enjoyed the hell of the old man’s inherited 686 at the range ... and thus considered myself a budding revolver nerd. Then made the leap to 9mm with...
  15. RTD

    Moved from Versys 650

    Another welcome from Arizona. Split heritage between Lancashire & Cornwall. Of the two I’d rather have the northern accent, honestly. Congrats on the bike. It’s a good group ‘ere.
  16. RTD

    New Member

    cheers from the sonoran desert usa.. a very charming super meteor you have there..
  17. RTD

    Moto Guzzi V7 Stone 750

    That’s a lovely specimen. Love the grey/black. I’m finally back on mine after 3 weeks of healing a foot injury (shift foot, naturally), and my first ride in all that time was a reminder of how great that single seat is. The former owner had thrown the Givi catalog at it, so it came with...
  18. RTD

    Pre-monsoon ride

    That’s a lovely bit of road. Monsoons here seem to be continuing but the low temps are getting lower, finally, signaling a change in seasonal patterns. So the sunrise ride conditions are becoming excellent again (assuming no wildlife encounters, javelinas in the road, etc) Scheduled a week off...
  19. RTD

    Grip puppies

    doesn’t sound like it. The soda bottle was just the right shape: a round funnel to get the puppies over the first third of the grip without letting it all go to hell underneath... Not really a soda drinker myself, but the missus’ diet mtn dew habit finally paid dividends!
  20. RTD

    Grip puppies

    I was really struggling with mine, getting them on the Guzzi V7. The OEM grips (throttle side especially) were pushing back like a loose sock, and bunching up under the puppies. No amount of soapy water etc would solve it. My stroke of genius was to grab a box-cutter and cut the top 2 inches...
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