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Search results

  1. Aushiker

    What have you done to your Himalayan today (or yesterday, or this week ...)

    Finished the installation and wiring up of my new Garmin Montana 700i today. My experiment with a phone, a Ulefone Power Armor 14 has come to an end. The Garmin Montana 700i replaces the phone and my inReach Mini.
  2. Aushiker

    What have you done to your Himalayan today (or yesterday, or this week ...)

    The other job I did and a lot neater one was the fitting of an SRC Royal Enfield LS410 side stand foot. Remember to pull out the beer can was getting a bit old, so went the luxury route.
  3. Aushiker

    What have you done to your Himalayan today (or yesterday, or this week ...)

    Emergency repair whilst I wait for the fabricator to fabricate a shield. Hoping to head off for eight days next week so had to do something. Used some scrap aluminium I had on hand. I somehow suspect no. 1 son has not inherited my technical skills 😂. He is a state operations manager for a...
  4. Aushiker

    Hot weather armored riding jacket suggestions

    I am in Western Australia and wear an RST Pro Series Adventure-X Textile Jacket. I do remove the liner for summer. It is a bit on the warm side off the bike but once moving it is okay.
  5. Aushiker

    Tusk DSport tires

    Never heard of them. Curious as to what attracted you to them over the one's commonly recommended?
  6. Aushiker

    Enduro Style Foot Pegs (or Rest)

    I have gone over to the Australian product but supplied ex the USA Pivot Pegz + Tops. Very happy with them. Fitted – Pivot Pegz by Andrew Priest, on Flickr
  7. Aushiker

    What have you done to your Himalayan today (or yesterday, or this week ...)

    Catching up: Catching up. Fitted a couple of homemade (100mm) tool tubes to the Himalayan a week or so go. Did a pre-outback tour overnight shakedown yesterday and today. I think the right-hand tool tube was um badly positioned/too long. Whoops. Didn't lose anything thankfully, well besides...
  8. Aushiker

    dedicated GPS vs phone

    https://www.gadgetreview.com/what-is-nits-brightness Hopefully, Apple published the rating for your phone otherwise sometimes https://www.gsmarena.com/ has the value. I am not familiar with the iPhone range but if the phone is either a cheaper one or a few years old it is likely to have a...
  9. Aushiker

    dedicated GPS vs phone

    If you are using your phone as a GPS then its coverage as a GPS is the same as a dedicated GPS. Of course, your maps like on your dedicated GPS should be offline maps. For example, Locus provides offline maps (Android users). I assume that there would be apps for the iPhone that also allow for...
  10. Aushiker

    dedicated GPS vs phone

    A couple of points if I may: [1] Dropping GPS tracks to the phone is easy peasy ... just use the appropriate apps. In my case I plan my routes in Ride with GPS so they automatically sync with the Ride With GPS app or alternatively I simply upload them to Locus. [2] I use the phone as a GPS...
  11. Aushiker

    dedicated GPS vs phone

    If you are going to use a phone, ideally it should have a NITS rating about 600. There is some suggestion that 450 is okay but I prefer to go to 600+. If you phone is lower rated then well it is likely to be 'crap'.
  12. Aushiker

    Quad lock imitator

    I was poking around Aliexpress yesterday and saw a QuadLock copy as well. Around the same price.
  13. Aushiker

    Valve (tappet) Adjustment Tool

    I purchased a Hitchcocks Motorcycles tool for AU$57 Couldn't see the point in all the hassle others comment on with different variations of tools. Seems a painful job as it is.
  14. Aushiker

    What have you done to your Himalayan today (or yesterday, or this week ...)

    A couple of small jobs over the weekend. First fitted a 5-litre jerry can to the right-hand side of the fuel tank and secondly replaced the OEM handlebar with a thicker-walled and braced bar from Royal Enfield. WIP needs longer bolts for bar ends to accommodate the Bark Busters. Fuel Reserve...
  15. Aushiker

    What have you done to your Himalayan today (or yesterday, or this week ...)

    This weekend I completed the wiring up of my Quadlock USB charger and a second USB outlet (part of an Enfield Accessories Mini Mount) to a HealTech Thunderbox. Also installed a tracker (the reduction in the insurance premium paid for that). Managed to remove and reinstall the fuel tank without...
  16. Aushiker

    wider handle bars

    Wider bars are available on AliExpress, however, they are not drilled. I haven't kept the links but there were 800 mm options for example.
  17. Aushiker

    What have you done to your Himalayan today (or yesterday, or this week ...)

    Some good news. I got the rack fitted today. I got out the car's scissor jack and stretched the rack arms out to 31 cm to get it to fit. So all good in the end but still for for the price this shouldn't have happened.
  18. Aushiker

    What have you done to your Himalayan today (or yesterday, or this week ...)

    Donowyn Custom's response: Funny how here in the West, where mining is so big, we can do welding without this happening ... 2.5 cm is not a bit.
  19. Aushiker

    What have you done to your Himalayan today (or yesterday, or this week ...)

    Not my day today. Just attempted to mount my newly arrived Donowyn Customs rear rack without any luck. Just cannot get it to align with the bike. This is frustrating as the rack design looks good, nice size and robust. I have touched base with Donowyn to see what the options are. It will just be...
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