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Search results

  1. W

    Any other owners here?

    Quite true, Wintrup, and you'll find me on those groups, but I thought it might be nice in here as well...
  2. W


    No sweat...
  3. W

    Any other owners here?

    Oh there are, Rick, it's just locating them. All the dealers I speak to are saying that they sell loads of Himmys...
  4. W


    Wierd, 1st reply doesn't show, post a second one, and the first one appears. What happens with number 3?
  5. W


    Sure does, Eatmore.
  6. W


    Of course it does, Eatmore (love your signature, btw).
  7. W


    I picked up a Himalayan last week, what a cracking little bike it is. Looking forward to many long rides on this one. Anyone else with one around here?
  8. W

    Any other owners here?

    Sounds like a plan, David. 😎👍
  9. W

    Any other owners here?

    Hi, any other UK Enfield owners discovered this page yet? Kinda lonely...
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