Agreed, the service intervals are low. You will find endless discussion here on the same. But I believe you will find while you change the oil at 3,000 MILES, the valves are done at 6,000 miles. Personally, I have got used to the idea. And once the warranty period is over, I will do at least every other oil change and whatever filters, myself. I may also begin to reset the valves myself. I don't have a lot of knowledge but others have pointed out these bikes were designed to be serviced by the guys on the corner in India who won't have all the fancy diagnostics and tools. As neither do I. Your decision and it depends on what you want.The maintenance intervals are pretty low, and the need to check valve clearances at each 3,000km interval doesn't excite me. I wonder why such a modern bike needs the valves checked at such short intervals. Is there a quality issue with the components? Undecided still.
The valve check interval is about average for overhead cam roller rocker arm actuated valves.The maintenance intervals are pretty low, and the need to check valve clearances at each 3,000km interval doesn't excite me. I wonder why such a modern bike needs the valves checked at such short intervals. Is there a quality issue with the components? Undecided still.