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Amal 932 carb


Finally made it
I have a 2008 Bullet Electra 500 2008 model.
what should the stock size be of the main and needle/pilot jets
in the above mentioned carb?
Thanks in advance.


Well travelled
I have a 2008 Bullet Electra 500 2008 model.
what should the stock size be of the main and needle/pilot jets
in the above mentioned carb?
Thanks in advance.
Was something wrong with the MIKUNI ( RE version) the Electra came with ? Or was it because you went with the two / three stage upgrade kit? Did you do the crank shaft as well? Sorry can’t help with the jet sizes.
But good luck with the bike and Amal.
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Roy Gavin

Well travelled
Probably changed by a PO , who might have used whatever was to hand rather than the complete kit supplied by one of the specialist suppliers.
Sometimes works fine, mostly doesn't.
Or someone may have fitted a "Go faster" jet kit which has done anything but.
Or used poor quality jets and needle which don't flow anywhere near what they should!
Float level might be out too, setting details on the Amal site.
H might know as they sold a kit at one time, and they are usually helpful, but it was around twenty years ago!


Well travelled
Volcano, CA
I have a brand new Amal for my BSA. It's on the shelf. I went with the Keihin-style PWK and never looked back, though the "purists" look down at us conversion types.

The Amal is NOT a bad carb. The problems with the Amal Concentric is two fold. One, once the pilot circuit clogs at that 90' turn in the body casting, it's almost impossible to get in there to clean it out without drilling. Secondly, the pilot circuit is fixed, not jetted. If it's not quite correct for your application (engine size, mods, etc.), that's the way it's going to live, unless you get one of the new (and expensive) modified versions of the Concentric, whether it's a 928/930/932, etc.....

I completely understand wanting to stay original, like my BSA, but for riding, I'll keep the originality on the shelf for later use.
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