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Dumb ass dogs of the Philippines


Getting there...
Every day stray dogs in the Philippines cause chaos for drivers especially motorbikes here in the Philippines, I’ve had many near misses but this one was by far the worst and I have to say I think I’m extremely blessed to stay on two wheels after this large mutt collided with my Meteor….. Speed 80k just overtook a car and accelerating, checked the exit from petrol station, noted 2 trucks coming other side of road checked left hand mirror… looks back and blimey! A freaking dog! Being chased by another. Pictures from my rear view came. Bent my foot brake lever right back jamming my foot peg vertically. Lucky for me I have O’Neal off roading boots full of armor I’m sure saved my lower leg from serious injury.
Played back the vid and what! Dog got up, I guess thankfully? But it could have ended very differently with yet another fatality caused by stray dogs in the Philippines. ( I have a video from front to back which is more dramatic


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Alan F.

Well travelled
I wonder if a dog whistle mounted out in the wind would help to alert them of your presence? Like the anti-deer whistles some use here in the States... there is some debate whether these actually work, but dog whistles it would seem are generally accepted as functional.

Scott Free

Well travelled
Dumb-ass dogs of Illinois:

Damn thing ran out across the lawn and was absolutely determined to take a bite out of my front tire. Yeah, I hit him. Luckily neither of us were hurt--if you watch the right mirror just before the end of the video, you can see the dog running back up towards its home. I continued on my way--people in farm country own firearms and can be really cranky about somebody hitting their dog... even when it's their fault.


Well travelled
Bristol UK
I'm following the youtube series of Joe Ryan riding a Scram in Vietnam. He has passed a lot of dogs, but, at least in the footage he's uploaded, they have all just ignored the bike. Not at all what I'd have expected.

Scott Free

Well travelled
Dogs running loose are pretty common in rural areas of the US. Most of the time they pretty much ignore me. When they do show a hostile interest, almost all the time they try to overtake me from behind and it's easy to give it a little gas and leave the dog sucking exhaust. On two occasions I've encountered dogs that wanted to go for my front wheel. Both times they succeeded and got, if not run over, knocked for a loop. Both times I stayed upright.

I worry more about deer than I do about dogs. No, I don't have "deer whistles," because it's been proven that deer hear the same range of sounds we do; if you don't hear the "deer whistle," neither will the deer. I don't know if dogs (which do hear sounds we can't) can hear them.


Well travelled
Did the Dog get a good look at your number plate?
you got a chuckle out of me with that one. luckily I had just swallowed my coffee. did you ever think of doing stand up? If I was riding where dogs were a constant threat, I would carry a bag of dog treats to divert their attention. similar to military aircraft that use those flares or whatever to detour missiles.


Well travelled
I prefer Small dogs, they eat less, therfore s---t less and are easier to run over! :rolleyes:
Actually I get a real buzz out of looking after My Sons Samoyed;)
Makes going for a Walk more interesting.
When She is not sleeping she is not Barking.
That's how you know if a Samoyed is sleeping.
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