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"empty" plug in the headlamp housing at 2023 Scram 411- what it is for... is not for tripper, checked.


Total noob
I have 2023 Scram 411. Some how in 2023 there is no tripper installed, so I have tried to install it form the 2022 bike but... housing is different and 3 pin plug is different. Basically U can't do it.:(
So if this "empty " plug is not for a Tripper what is this for???



Well travelled
Boise, ID, USA
Sorry, just saw this! I'm on a 2023 Scram (delivered in the US) that DID have a tripper. That looks exactly like the connection for my Tripper that I disconnected when I yanked that sucker and installed a tachometer. I'm guessing they changed connectors between the Euro IV and V models.

SO, you're saying it's not for the tripper just because you compared it to the Tripper from a 2022 bike, or you have another reason for believing that? From the pic it looks like there's some kind of rubber protective plug over the connector but otherwise it looks about right.

I know we all have our own bikes and wants and needs, but if you aren't a huge chunk of money invested into the Tripper I wouldn't sweat it. Throughout this forum the reception has been lukewarm at best, and most folks just consider it a clock that's always wrong and ignore it. You can get much better navigation from your phone and the app of your choice.

OR, send me a picture of your connector on the 2022 Tripper. If it is different than mine and you think my tripper would fit your bike I'll send it to you for the cost of shipping.
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Well travelled
Boise, ID, USA
Just to close the loop since I had the Tripper unpacked for answering questions in another thread, here's what the connector for the Tripper looks like on my 2023 US-delivered Scram:

I would bet the black trio of nubs in your picture is a plug cover that, once removed, reveals the other end of this connection.

And like I mentioned in the other thread, even if you don't mount a Tripper it's a PERFECT way to wire up just about any accessory because that plug has (fused) always-hot, accessory-hot, and ground leads.
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