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Mini off


Well travelled
South Wales
Today, while riding in the South Wales Valleys we were on minor, single track roads in the hills.

Coming to a stop at a T junction I put my left foot down on the road, except that there was no road. The edge had crumbled away leaving a deep hole at the side of the road. My foot went down into the hole, meeting no resistance, and I had a slow and ignominious fall onto the grass verge.

Fortunately no damage was done to the bike as we both fell onto a thick plantation of thistles which cushioned the fall. Fortunatel, despite the 35°C temperature I was in full textile protective rig so I didn’t even get prickled. I think I might buy a lottery ticket tonight with luck like that.

I was riding with my Classic Bike Club and, as we are all gentlemen of a “certain age” we have been christened the “Hell’s Anginas”.40B102C4-678E-4956-AC88-F5FC48FDB6DD.jpeg

A selection of some of the bikes on the ride.


Well travelled
South Wales
The car park looks like one on the road over the Black Mountain, is that where you were?

The 'slow motion off' has probably been experienced by everyone at some point.
Yes, it was that car park And, again yes, most bikers will have dropped their bike at some time.

If you haven’t done it yet there is still plenty of time!😎
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