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Tempted fate and won!


Well travelled
My rule is don't ride in the mountains on a holiday weekend. But it was going to be hot in town, so I resigned myself to riding in a parade. And had two great rides instead!

The first was up Boulder Canyon, south on the Peak to Peak highway, and down Golden Gate Canyon. There was not a single car in the way going down Golden Gate.🎉🤩

Then it was up Coal Creek Canyon, north on the Peak to Peak to Ward, and down Left Hand Canyon. I finally ran into a line of cars that would have spoiled the best part of it, so turned off onto tight and twisty Lee Hill Road, and had a clear run back into town.

150 miles, on the some of the best roads close to home. There was plenty of traffic, but almost all of it was going the other way. And I escaped the heat. With only a T-shirt under my leather jacket, it was borderline cold on the Peak to Peak.

There were a couple more rides, but not in the canyons. I'd tempted fate enough for one holiday weekend.


Well travelled
I'm usually wearing a leather jacket, heavy boots and gloves, no matter how hot it is. In July and August most days are in the 90s (32+C), east of the mountains. Hot but not miserable, if you can keep moving. And quite pleasant in the mountains. But only two of the (paved) canyons are on the edge of town. Come down anywhere else, and there's long hot ride to get home.
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Well travelled
A couple pics from Coal Creek canyon.
The same ride as on the fourth, but with much more traffic, and road construction.


The view at the top.


And the first of a series of tight hairpins on way down. I wanted to get the S-bend sign with the 15mph speed limit in the picture, but the sun was so bright, I couldn't see the picture at all.

These were taken after a nice run up from Hwy 93. I pulled over just before the hairpins, after catching up to a line of cars following a big truck. I had a nice run down through the hairpins, until I was stopped by a flagman. While we chatted, the cars lined up behind me. From Pinecliffe to the Peak to Peak, the road is too open to be fun at responsible speeds, so I just cruised. And was passed with extreme prejudice by a guy on GS Beemer who was obviously working off the frustration of getting past all the cars between us.

The run down Golden Gate was much less satisfying. Followed a car most of the way that sped up in every straight and slowed down in every turn. With no passing zones, I was stuck. Had to do the slow down and catch up repeatedly. No doubt the driver was thinking this is fastest I've ever gone. While I'm thinking, do you know how far I came to get stuck behind you.

At the bottom I turned around and went back up. When I hit some traffic, I headed down again. Better.

It's rare to have a good run down Golden Gate. It's why I usually go north.
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