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"The rules" a re post.

Eatmore Mudd

Staff member
"The rules" were lost in a server migration. It was a good thread.

The following excerpt was pulled from an archived copy of the first page of the original thread and is re posted and tacked in new member introduction

"Don't threaten anyone or their loved ones with harm. When hanging out ( on somebody else's real estate ) do the property owner a solid by not debating politics or religion on their patio. Everywhere we've been, offering condolences or thoughts and prayers wishes, beams rays positive energy good karma etc. was always the right thing to do when the time came for it. Tall tails, exaggeration, banter and sarcasm are cornerstones of humor. Humor is good. Picking on folks to just be a d*#k is not. Honesty and follow through are good. Lying, cheating, stealing, welching, screwing people over are not. Just because there's no law against being an a##hole doesn't mean I have to be one all the time. Decisions ( or posts ) made in haste or anger usualy don't end well, sleep on it before committing. When the program sucks, change the channel."


I wish the whole thing was recoverable.
There was some real funny $π1t in there.


Well travelled
Durham, NC
Double on the smoking. I don't / didn't smoke, but as a young man with his first motorcycle, I decided I needed to roll up to a gathering looking as badass as possible.
I got my first piercing on the way there and the place next door sold cigars. Thinking of all those movies and comic books, it seemed like a brilliant idea. Motorcycle, biker leathers, fresh body modification, all it needed was a big cigar with a red cherry on the end to make the image complete.

Two blocks later my cigar had burned to a nub from the wind and I had a couple new pinpoint burns on my cheeks from coals coming back into my face. Looked great... or so they tell me. Glad I was wearing good eye protection.


Well travelled
Ottawa, Canada
"The rules" were lost in a server migration. It was a good thread.

The following excerpt was pulled from an archived copy of the first page of the original thread and is re posted and tacked in new member introduction

"Don't threaten anyone or their loved ones with harm. When hanging out ( on somebody else's real estate ) do the property owner a solid by not debating politics or religion on their patio. Everywhere we've been, offering condolences or thoughts and prayers wishes, beams rays positive energy good karma etc. was always the right thing to do when the time came for it. Tall tails, exaggeration, banter and sarcasm are cornerstones of humor. Humor is good. Picking on folks to just be a d*#k is not. Honesty and follow through are good. Lying, cheating, stealing, welching, screwing people over are not. Just because there's no law against being an a##hole doesn't mean I have to be one all the time. Decisions ( or posts ) made in haste or anger usualy don't end well, sleep on it before committing. When the program sucks, change the channel."


I wish the whole thing was recoverable.
There was some real funny $π1t in there.
Is there a rule against posting a link to another site? It's so that members can access a manual.


Well travelled
Is there a rule against posting a link to another site? It's so that members can access a manual.
Plenty of others have posted such links.
There is even a dedicated thread of such things in the Himalayan & Scram Forum. - "Stickied."

@Eatmore Mudd - Perhaps THIS thread could be "Stickied" too, as is it's twin in "New Member Introductions"...:unsure:


Well travelled
Basically, be a good guest. In the case of this specific forum: celebrate biking with each other. Don't condemn others for how they celebrate it. We're bound by one passion on two wheels (sometimes three if you have a side cart or ride a trike).
If we're one tribe, it's because cagers will see us as such. What we do in traffic (or online) will reflect on our peers.


Well travelled
Some more rules ... well, they're more like guidelines:

When a simple repair to your motorcycle is described as taking 15 minutes be sure to reserve a little extra time, like 6 months or so, to fix all the other problems you find while it's apart. Be sure to forget to fix the original problem too, so you can repeat the joyful experience.

If a friend asks if they can borrow tools it's best to jot down a quick 50 page contract and take a deposit.

If you're looking to buy a motorcycle and have issues with flatulence it's best to get one with stiff suspension, the bumps will help relieve pressure.

Before a long ride it's a good idea to look at the weather forecast, and then imagine that the exact opposite is what's going to actually happen.

If you need help with a technical problem from an online forum and aren't getting much response, say you already fixed it in an obviously wrong way. A gaggle of experts will instantly appear to tell you how it should have been done.


Well travelled
I've been thinking of getting my nipples pierced, then I'll have somewhere to keep my keys so I don't lose them!
That made me wince - when you get your nipples pierced it makes them much more sensitive! Mine aren't, I've just spent a lot of time with people who have, and may have accidentally flicked them on occasion ...

Scott Free

Well travelled
Sorry nothing exotic there, I got my ears stabbed. Wore dangles from my lobes for about 15 years, stopped probably 20-25 years ago when I went completely jewelry free due to fab shop work. No more holes, just lobes that I swear did not grow so much hair on them back in my 20s.
I still remember when I almost got a hole punched in my ear. I was hanging out with a buddy one evening, he had a little "pirate" earring, I thought about doing the same thing... we were drinking some beer, and by the end of the evening we said, yeah, first thing tomorrow I'll get my first piercing. Then he said, great, we'll go out for a good breakfast and then go over to the shopping mall and...

The words "shopping mall" ended the whole thing right there. What kind of a proper "biker" story is "I got this at the mall"? Figured I wasn't going to get a hole added until I could come up with a proper story-worthy situation. Never found one, so I have no holes beyond the ones I was born with (OK, plus all the holes doctors have made to patch up rotator cuffs and remove appendix and such, but those have all healed up).


Well travelled
Volcano, CA
I got tricked into my one and only piercing. Went to the CA State Fair with another couple friends of ours. We were wandering and looking at booths and people's wares, drinking beer, eating hot dogs, typical fair day. Unbeknownst to me, the two gals wandered off ahead and paid the piercing guy ahead of time. Apparently the husband was in on it too and kept me busy at a (what else) motorcycle booth.

We went on wandering and eventually ran across the piercing booth. My wife-at-the-time says, "Weren't you interested in getting your left ear pierced?"
I said, "Hey....I've been drinking, but I don't think now is the right time to make that decision......" Thankfully, I've always been a logical drinker.
The guy in the booth says, "Just sit down, I'll temporarily stick something on your ear so you can at least see if it's for you or not. I run across guys like you all the time."

Much to the prodding of the other three, I sat in what appeared to be an old barber chair. He put a dot on my ear with a Sharpee. "Right about there, you think?" and he handed me a mirror.
Looked in the mirror and said, "Yah, if I was to get one, that's centered enough."
Next thing I know....."POW!" o_O
He says, "Ok....don't take it out for two weeks, and let it heel or it may get infected. Here's your kit. Alcohol swabs, etc..."

I sat there in disbelief, but the other three were in hysterics. What was I going to do? Get all pissed off at the Fair with our closest buddies and ruin a good day out for everyone? That's not how I've ever rolled, why start now?? Was I kind of shocked and a little miffed? Of course, but screw it. I went straight to the closest beer booth and made the best of it for their entertainment. Hey....it's just a hole. It will heel, right? :cool:

So, every year during the Christmas holiday, I wore a small ornament, just to piss off the X. She hated that. "TAKE THAT RED BALL OUT OF YOUR EAR!" I wore it everywhere. Shopping with her, out to dinner with her.... It was awesome.:LOL:
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