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Tyre Pollution is worse than tailpipe Emissions! A new stick to beat motorists with!

Scrapyard Sorcerer

Well travelled
Here in the UK, carriageway runoff pollution hasn't been measured until recently. Water quality is starting to be measured in waterways underneath motorway bridges. The results are shocking, though I'm waiting for the final paper to be published. Once it's out, the stick will get bigger? Mentioning sticks, I have a new fuel station being built near me, it has only 2 fuel pumps, but 8 charging points. And a coffee shop (whilst you electric cage charges?) A number of fuel stations are also being converted to electric charging only.


Well travelled
Speaking of reasonability everyone should ride motorcycles instead of driving cars and instantly cut the tire concerns in half!
A lot of bikes need new tyres in under 5000 miles. While car tyres last 30 - 40k miles.
So over say 35000 miles a car will use 4 tyres but a bike may use 14!
Ok - depends on the bike, how you ride etc.
Makes bikes a target.

Scrapyard Sorcerer

Well travelled
All motorists seem to be a target in general. I can't work from home, so I have to travel. Public transport is non existent where I am. I do have a cycle path nearly directly to work, but it's poorly maintained. I've given it a few goes on my electric cycle. Generally I go with the interceptor, I don't have a car during the week. I spend my days repairing roads so one person in each soft roader can sit in a traffic jam every morning and every evening whilst checking their phones every thirty seconds and not looking where they are going.


Well travelled
Staff member
Southern UK
A lot of bikes need new tyres in under 5000 miles. While car tyres last 30 - 40k miles.
So over say 35000 miles a car will use 4 tyres but a bike may use 14!
Ok - depends on the bike, how you ride etc.
Makes bikes a target.
Blimey Andy - how do you get 30-40k miles from a set of car tyres? Even my wife, who’s not a complete animal in a car (although it is 2 tonnes and 4wd) only manages about 20k from a set of Michelins which I thought was OK. We do replace them at c3mm though.
My own personal ‘record’ is 800miles from a rear Pirelli SuperCorsa on my Aprilia.😳.


Well travelled
The UK legal limit is 1.6mm, so changing tyres with 3mm tread seems a little early? My present car is an Octavia Scout, a lot lighter than 2 tonnes, with soft 4x4, so I guess it is kind on tyres. Had it for 50k miles and replaced 4 tyres in that time. Previous vehicles would also run to around 40k miles before tyres needed replacing. Maybe I drive too gently?
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